Risky Business Safety Series

  • Risky Business Series (Safety Tips from OA's Risk Management Team)


      Season 2

    Episode One:
    "Risky Works in the Yard"

    Season 2 Episode 1: "Risky Works in the Yard"

    In extreme heat your body works extra hard to maintain a normal temperature, which can lead to heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Click the thumbnail above to learn some safety tips to keep cool!

    Episode Two:
    "Risky Goes to School"

    S2 E2 "Risky Goes to School"

    Back-to-school season is upon us!
    Watch this episode of "Risky Business" for some
    important transportation tips to stay safe this school year.

    Episode Three:
    "Risky Shares a Scare"

    Season 2 Episode 3: "Risky Shares a Scare"

    Watch this episode of "Risky Business" for some
    helpful trick-or-treating tips to stay safe
    this Halloween.

    Episode Four:
    "Risky Recycles"

    Season 2 Episode 4: "Risky Recycles"

    Watch this episode to discover how this simple step of breaking down your cardboard boxes supports the Missouri State Recycling Program.

    Episode Five:
    "Ice Cold"

    Season 2 Episode 5: "Ice Cold"


    Remember, extended exposure to bitter cold temperatures can be dangerous. Check out this episode to learn some tips to keep warm and stay safe this winter!

    Episode Six:
    "Risky's Fire Drill"

    Risky Business Season 2 Episode 6


    Fire drills in the workplace are an important practice to help educate and prepare people for future fire emergencies and should be taken seriously by all parties. Watch this episode for some helpful office fire drill tips.

    Episode Seven:
    "Flash Flood"

    Season 2 Episode 7: "Flash Flood"


    Did you know it only takes six inches of moving water to knock you off your feet? Many cars and small SUVs can also be swept away in 12 inches of moving water. Check out the episode above for some helpful flood safety tips. 

      Season 1

    Episode One:
    "The Thanksgiving Thaw"

    Risky Business Episode One

    Did you know Thanksgiving is the number one day of the year for cooking-related fires? Watch the premiere episode of "Risky Business"
    to learn some helpful turkey tips.

    Episode Two:
    "The Icy Road"

    Risky Business Episode Two

    Even the most experienced drivers can have a hard time driving on snowy and icy roads. Check out this episode for some helpful winter driving tips.

    Episode Three:
    "Lights Out"

    Risky Business Episode Three

    Severe weather can strike quickly, and sometimes, without warning. Watch this episode of “Risky Business” to learn how to prepare for power outages.


    Episode Four:
    "Distracted Driving"

    Risky Business Episode Four

    Distracted driving is a leading causes of vehicle crashes. Check out episode four to learn some common causes of distracted driving and how you can help make the roads safer.

    Episode Five:
    "Risky Climbs a Ladder"

    Risky Business Episode FIve

    Did you know that falls from ladders are one of the leading causes of occupational fatalities and injuries? Watch now to learn how to stay safe when using a ladder.

    Episode Six:
    "Risky Plays with Sparklers"

    Risky Business Season one Episode six

    Celebrate Independence Day safely. Check out this episode to learn some helpful firework safety tips and remember to always
    stay safe.


      Volume 2

    Issue Two: "Risky Takes a Road Trip"
    V2 I2 "Risky Takes a Road Trip"

    Vehicle breakdowns and traffic delays can be unpredictable. Always be prepared. Keep an emergency supply kit in your vehicle with the following items:

    • Car cell phone charger
    • Bottled water and snacks
    • First aid kit
    • Map
    • Blanket
    • Jumper cables
    • Flares or reflective triangle
    • Ice scraper
    • Non-clumping cat litter or sand (for better tire traction)

    For more car safety tips, visit ready.gov/car.

    Issue One: "Risky Goes on a Picnic"
    Risky Comics Volume 2 Issue 1: "Risky Goes on a Picnic"

    As food heats up in summer temperatures, bacteria multiply rapidly. Keeping food at proper temperatures — indoor and out — is critical in preventing the growth of foodborne bacteria.

    • Cold, perishable food should be kept in the cooler at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below until serving time.
    • Hot food should be kept hot at or above 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Whether it’s hot or cold, food should not sit out for longer than two hours, or one hour if the outdoor temperature is above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Learn even more tips for preparing, serving, and storing food at outdoor events on the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s website.

      Volume 1

    Issue Three: "Risky Recycles"
    Risky Comics Issue 3

    The small act of breaking down your cardboard has a HUGE impact on the Missouri State Recycling Program.

    Flattening your cardboard boxes for recycling has many benefits, including:

    • Allowing for more cardboard to be collected.
    • Reducing overage fees.
    • Easing the strain on custodial staff.

    Be a part of the solution. Remember to break down your cardboard!

    Issue Two: "Risky Floats a Boat"
    Risky Business Comics: Volume One Issue Two

    May is National Water Safety Month. Whether enjoying a boat ride on the lake or a dip in the pool, stay safe this summer by being prepared, staying alert, and using the appropriate equipment.

    • Never swim alone.
    • Keep a first aid kit nearby.
    • Learn CPR and rescue techniques.
    • Never consume alcohol while operating a boat.
    • Make sure everyone has a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket.

    Check out the National Safety Council to learn more water safety tips and boating safety tips

    Issue One: "Distracted Walking with Risky and Rascal"
    Risky Business Comics: Volume One Issue One

    Distracted walking incidents are on the rise and everyone with a cell phone is at risk. We are losing focus on our surroundings and putting our safety at risk. The solution—stop using phones while walking.

    Before heading out, remember these year-round safety tips:

    • Never walk while texting or talking on the phone.
    • If texting, move out of the way of others and stop on the sidewalk.
    • Never cross the street while using an electronic device.
    • Look left, right, then left again before crossing the street.
    • Cross only at crosswalks.
    • Do not walk while wearing headphones or earbuds.
    • Be aware of your surroundings.
    • Always walk on the sidewalk if one is available; if you must walk on the street, face oncoming traffic.

    Learn more about pedestrian safety by visiting the National Safety Council website.